Social Studies winners 2015

By   /  May 4, 2015  /  No Comments


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please rise for the National Anthem of the United States of America! Please face the US flag raised at full staff for the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance! Today this patriotic ceremonial routine honors those to whom patriotism is not just a fancy word or a citizenry duty, it’s a way of life. Their patriotism carries an academic note. They are curious, sharp minded, devoted, well-read, and inquisitive!

They patriotically carry the torch of academic excellence by distinguishing themselves nationwide! Our 5th graders scored second in the nation leaving behind 53 other schools who participated in the contest. Our 3rd and 8th graders proudly scored the third! President Kennedy once proclaimed, “In your hands, my dear country men, not in mine, lies the future of our nation!” Well, our third, fifth, and eighth graders took this message very personally!

Our great nation must feel very safe about its future resting in these children’s hands! Motivated, equipped with inquisitive curious minds, these devoted citizens will not steer this great country off course! These young citizens have already done something for their beloved country. They made America know their names! Thank you, winners of the Social Studies Olympics for your bold inspiring academic achievements and your tribute to American history!


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